Posted 4 July 2010
Letter to Professor Sir Peter Gluckman,
Prime Minister’s Chief Science Adviser
4 July 2010
Dear Sir Peter
I have read your statements on AGW and recommend that you read this new book: The Past and Future of Climate -- Why the world is cooling and why carbon dioxide won't make a detectable difference, by David Archibald.
A precursor to this new book is a paper that David Archibald presented at the International Conference on Climate Change in New York in March, 2008, the URL for which is
I believe that you have a moral duty to the people of New Zealand to at least read the above-mentioned pdf file and then advise the Prime Minister and the people of New Zealand accordingly.
I am aware that you have probably never studied physics to a very high level, but you surely ought to be aware that whatever happens on planet Earth must do so in accordance with the laws of physics, which preclude a significant role for carbon dioxide in controlling Earth's climate.
I also believe that it is time that you stopped bringing the University of Auckland into disrepute by advising the Prime Minister and the nation that carbon dioxide does play a significant role in controlling Earth's climate, as by doing so you are devaluing my degree and those of all other past and future graduates, including my wife and daughter, along with my son who is soon to follow.
A copy of this letter has been sent to the NZ Climate Science Coalition with a request that it be published on the coalition's website
Peter J. Morgan BE (Mech.), Dip. Teaching